CivitasOwner Relations

Owner Portal

Access the Owner Portal here

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Ownership Changes

Royalty Payment Information

Unclaimed Property

Energy Link

Access your Monthly JIB and Revenue Statements electronically from a free and secure website. If you have not used energy link in the past, you can create an account by following the link and login instructions above. If you are interested in setting up automatic deposit, please see the form provided above. All distributions including automatic deposits are handled through FIS.


Civitas Resources values all our vendors and looks to provide the highest level of service. If you have any questions, please either email or call the number listed below:

Phone: 720-440-6100 x 2
Email: [email protected]

Joint Interest Billing Information

Lease Records Information

Key Lease Provisions


  • Lessor (Mineral Owner)
  • Lessee (Oil & Gas Company)

Legal Description

  • Description of lands that are being leased; may describe the gross acreage covered by lands.


  • Primary Term – number of years for which the initial lease term is granted, wherein Lessee must either establish production or begin drilling operations on the leased lands, either actual or pooled, before the lease expires. See also Option to Extend.
    • Example: Effective date 1/1/2023, 5 year Primary Term = 12/31/2027 Expiration Date
  • Secondary Term – once production is established the lease moves into the Secondary Term and will remain active for so long as there is production or operations are being conducted.


  • The royalty clause establishes the lessor’s percentage of royalty that will be payable under the oil and gas lease.

Shut-In Royalty

  • A Shut-In Royalty clause allows for a payment to be made in lieu of the regular royalty payment. Here, the amount of Shut-in Royalty payment, terms of how long a well can be shut-in for and when payment is due, is determined.

Proportionate Reduction

  • States that Lessor will be paid (rentals, royalties) based on their actual mineral interest and not the gross amount of surface acres.


  • Pooling refers to combining leased lands with other lands in order to form a single drilling or producing unit.
  • Unitization refers to field-wide operations, that may comprise of multiple drilling or spacing units, often for the purpose of secondary recovery of the resources.

Option to Extend

  • Allows lease to be extended for a specified amount of time past the expiration date of the primary term if drilling operations or production are not present. Additional consideration (Extension Bonus) is due on or before the expiration of the primary term.
  • The option to extend a lease is at the discretion of the Lessee and no additional permission is required by the Lessor if this provision exists in the lease.

DISCLAIMER: Each royalty interest is governed solely by the language in the individual written agreement between Civitas and the royalty owner. This information is being provided to assist owners with frequently asked questions regarding oil and gas leases. However, nothing in this document may amend the language in your written agreement concerning royalties or grant any rights to royalty holders. Further, an oil and gas lease is a legally binding agreement between the mineral owner and the company for the development, operation, and production of the oil, gas or other hydrocarbons from the lands. The information herein is not legal advice, and for questions regarding your oil and gas lease Civitas recommends that you speak with a licensed attorney.

Contact Information

Ownership & Revenue
[email protected]

[email protected]

P: 303-312-8556

555 17th Street, Suite 3700
Denver, CO 80202